Sunday, 8 October 2017

Write up a 300 word conclusion discussing the limitations and opportunities of each of your chosen 6 research methods appropriate to the investigation into violence and children:

When investigating media violence and how it effects children, one of the most important research methods to use to conduct your data is Primary research in which I made a survey. The survey asks Parents different questions on whether they think that media violence has an impact on their children. A survey is a good research method to use because it is free and quick to develop and it is also easy to collect valuable data which will help me justify my research and compare it with Secondary sources. Also with a large amount of replies of at least 30 people will increase the reliability of the results as the sample should be representative of the population to ensure that we can generalize the findings. Another way in which surveys can be a good way of collecting primary data is the fact that it is anonymous so it is most likely that the replies were honest as the audience would not be afraid to tell the truth. However, a disadvantage may be that the survey questions may not be relevant to the hypothesis making it harder to actually find any conclusion.
Another way of conducting data would be experiments as you are able to get a natural and honest reaction from the experimented to see if something affects them and you would be able to engage with what’s going on in the experiment. The limitations of conducting experiments are that sometimes the person being experimented may know and may put on a filtered reaction which automatically makes it unreliable and dishonest. Observations are similar to experiments, they are good when conducting research as you are able to witness first-hand what is going on in a natural environment. However observations, the same as experiments makes it harder to have a true representation as they may have filtered reactions creating a fake image in the findings. To add, theories is a system of ideas intended to explain something, especially one based on general principles and limitations could conclude that it is purely based on opinions making it harder to be completely reliable.
Moreover, when investigating it is critical that you ensure you use academic resources as it should be the first thing you research. Academic research is a good way of conducting data as it is all written by professionals from universities who know exactly what they’re talking about, it is all based purely on facts which all around makes it more reliable. However there are some limitations from using academic resources such as the fact that some of the information received may be out of date or may not even be UK data and you may not even realise.
The last method of conducting research is through news articles which should be the last type of secondary research that you use as it is mostly used to back up all of the other secondary research you conducted. The reason in which you would usually use the news articles last is because of the limitations it carries; one being that most of it may be biased which means that it filtered to fit others beliefs. It also contains clickbait in the online news articles, meaning that it says it’s about something that it isn’t making it fake news which makes the searching process longer and more difficult.

1 comment:

  1. What would you be looking for in the academic sources?
    How would this in turn impact on your primary?
    Why had you chosen each of these 6 methods - what were you looking to find out from each one (Research Aim?)
