Monday 15 January 2018

Asset required
Why do I need this asset (refer to requirements of the brief)
How will I create or source this asset?
What elements do I need to consider when producing or selecting this asset? (Production skills- graphics, lighting, photography, editing etc.…)
When do I need this asset?
Location- Outside bank using cash machine and café.
When recording the scenes I will need to use a public space in order to complete the video about identity theft.
To source this will need permission from the location owner to shoot there.
The elements I need to consider when filming will be camera angles so that what being shown on camera is clear. Dark lighting will be needed to present the antagonist which will represent the character.
Suitable day 15th January.
Actors- 2 female characters.
I chose to have two female characters as I want my advert to stand out from the other identity theft videos out there as they mostly use men actors. By using an antagonist in the video will give it more realism and show how identity theft works.
I will be asking people I know to fill the actor’s positions but will have to create a release form for them to sign.
The elements I need to consider when filming will be camera angles so that what being shown on camera is clear. Dark lighting will be needed to present the antagonist which will represent the character.
Suitable day 15th January.
Props- Credit card, cash machine, purse.
The most important prop in the video would be the credit card as it is the item in the video which is stolen.

I will be using my own props for the video.
I will need to ensure the props are clearly visible throughout the video using editing to highlight them.
Suitable day 15th January.
Music and SFX
By using music I will be able to create suspense throughout making it clear what will happen. SFX sound I will include will be footsteps as this will make it clear when the antagonist is coming.
I will be sourcing these sounds from websites such as etc..

Suitable 16th January.

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